The majority of people in the United States use social media - for better or for worse, it’s where many voters get their information. Your campaign needs to have a consistent, professional presence on social media platforms.

Social Media can provide many benefits to campaigns:

🤝 Wider Reach: Provides a vast audience of potential voters to connect with from diverse backgrounds and demographics.

🎯 Targeted Engagement: Enables you to engage specific voter demographics while tailoring your message to address their concerns.

💬 Real-Time Feedback: Offers immediate feedback from voters, allowing you to gauge public sentiment and adjust your messaging accordingly.

🤳 Rapid Communication: Facilitates rapid dissemination of information, enabling you to respond swiftly to events, news, or opponent's claims.

💙 Authenticity and Transparency: Allows you establish your authenticity and demonstrate transparency by sharing behind-the-scenes experiences and personal stories.

Digital Campaigning: Social Media - National Democratic Training Committee

Especially for those who aren’t fluent in social media, using it can be daunting 👻 That’s why we’ve created this step by step guide on how to leverage social media effectively for your campaign.

How to Use Social Media Guide - July 2023.pdf

🤳 Social Media Platforms

Facebook - log in or sign up



TikTok - Make Your Day

LinkedIn: Log In or Sign Up

▶️ Running Political Facebook Ads

How to Get Verified to Run Political Ads on Facebook | Deck Help Center