🏦 Accepting Donations

<aside> ➡️ The Florida Democratic Party encourages every single Democratic candidate to set up an ActBlue donation account for their campaign - whether you are running in a non-partisan or partisan race. You can learn more on the Fundraising page.



💰Building a Campaign Budget

<aside> 👍 A budget is vital to ensure your organization remains on-target with nearly every goal. The most effective budgets are ➕ Dynamic, accounting for change-over-time ➕ Realistic, accounting for the reality of your campaign's ability to raise and disburse funds ➕ Integrated across all aspects of the campaign


NGP VAN’s Comprehensive Campaign Budget Template


1️⃣ Research Your Budget Needs

The most helpful tool in building a campaign budget is researching past campaign budgets.

Look at contribution and expenditure lists acquired from the FEC, state Division of Elections, or County Supervisors of Elections, depending on your race. These provide insights on return on investment for various districts, the costs of services, staff estimations, and much more.

Look for answers to the following:

In addition to comparing previous budgets, you also need take into account your Win Number/Voter Goal. Starting at the finish line (how many voters you need to vote for you) and working your way backwards creates a month-by-month list of needs and costs that tell you how much it will cost to move the needle.

2️⃣ Fundraising

Above all, your budget should be tied directly to the ability of your campaign to raise money.

Building your campaign calendar around your fundraising needs can also be helpful, e.g. fundraising around specific collection points, milestones, and dates.

<aside> 💵 For more information on how to raise money, check out our fundraising page:



3️⃣ Spending