<aside> 🎤 Every successful campaign begins with a clear, concise, and compelling message articulating why voters should support your candidacy. The best communications strategies are grounded in candidates’ own personal stories - never forget that your first objective is earning voters’ trust.


Creating a Political Campaign Communications Plan - National Democratic Training Committee

1️⃣ Know Your Audience

Building an effective messaging strategy is just as much about how you communicate as what you say. Use every tool at your disposal such as past polling, local events, your personal background, and the needs of your community to focus on your major defining campaign themes.

How to Craft a Core Political Campaign Message - National Democratic Training Committee

CPM PR & Communications 101

2️⃣ Know Yourself

Crafting a compelling message depends on authentically integrating your personal narrative into your policy vision. This can be achieved by communicating your background, using testimonials or anecdotes that reinforce desired messaging points, or combining statistics with real-world consequences relevant to your voting demographic. Credibility is hard to establish, but difficult to counter.

Phase 2: How To Build Your Image - Run For Something

3️⃣ Consistency vs. Flexibility

Moving the needle with targeted communications requires repetition, creativity, and message discipline. While there are a plethora of issues in the political arena, no singular candidate has the ability to educate everyone on every issue. Scheduling communications pieces at regular intervals across Social Media allows for teams to ready themselves for breaking events, new developments, and shifting political landscapes. Candidates are often tempted to address every political issue that comes up, but keep in mind that a campaign about everything quickly becomes a campaign about nothing.

Additionally, branding templates can help voters and supporters easily identify what type of message to expect. We’ve created this branding template to help your campaign stay consistent. If you’re having trouble using the template, check out this step by step guide.

Candidate Toolkit Branding Template

Campaign Style Guides and Press Kits - National Democratic Training Committee